Asphalt Driveway


About GG Blacktop Ltd.


We often get asked by customers looking to repair or build a brand new driveway - "What is better? Ashpalt or Concrete?". We here at GG Blacktop would like to proivd you with some information so you can make an educated decision on wheather to get an asphalt driveway or one made of concrete.

The first thing we should look at is "Cost". The cost of an asphalt driveway is typically cheaper than that of concrete. Though the prices of asphalt tend to fluctuate a bit with the fluctuation in crude oil prices, they are still the better value. And they require no stains or extra finishes which would drive that cost up.

In repair and maintenance, asphalt driveways tend to have a little more work involved; sealing after about 6 months and then re-sealing again every 3-5 years. While this is imperatif, it's really not much work to extend the life of the driveway and keep it looking in tip-top shape. Concrete however, does not require as much sealing. Applying a single seal will enhance the look and preserve the finish. But the added cost does come in the form of "degreasers" which are necessary to remove oil, gas and any other stains that build up over time.

Lastly, we'd like to talk about the lifespan. The lifespan of an asphalt driveway is approximately 30 years. While the lifespan of a concrete driveway is 50+ years. However it should be noted that over that lifespan, a conceret driveway will crack and require occassional repair and degreasers. And asphalt driveway will simply require the regular maintenance to keep up it's lustre and sheen.